You cannot do it as this will affect the shape of the graph. The x-axis, like the y-axis, must go in order. What is the point of them giving you values of x-axis if you can skip it?
.... then your graph is inverted.
Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid
The answer will depend on what numbers you wish to graph.
It is called the ordinate.
There is a similar question which was answered as graph of real numbers. It could also be a graph of the line y=0, or a graph of the x-axis.
.... then your graph is inverted.
The symbol is "..."
Which point is not located on the xaxis or the yaxis of a coordinate grid?Read more:Which_point_is_not_located_on_the_xaxis_or_the_yaxis_of_a_coordinate_grid
The answer will depend on what numbers you wish to graph.
It is called the ordinate.
There is a similar question which was answered as graph of real numbers. It could also be a graph of the line y=0, or a graph of the x-axis.
With a line graph you use lines. You put numbers at the bottom of the graph and numbers on the side. In other words the bottom numbers are on the x axis and the numbers on the side are on the y axis. Then when you have the dots on the graph you connect them and then it makes a line.
a picto graph is a graph that shows pictures to represent numbers
a line plot
On a 2-D graph, a pair of numbers are used to determine the position of the point on a graph.
It could skip numbers, such as if you are counting by 3's (3,6,9,12,15) then it could have wrong numbers, and there could also be other misleading stuff too. +++ It could be misleading if the values themselves are incorrect, or if the line is a best-fit trace drawn erroneously, perhaps on a graph of points that genuinely do not really follow a discreet numerical law.