

Can you smoke roxicet pills

Updated: 9/18/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Of course you can!

Things you'll need:

-Aluminum foil (about 5"x5", any less will be difficult)

-A lighter

-A business card or something as sturdy

Steps to take:

1) Crush your pill, as fine as you can get it. (doesn't have to be perfect)

2) You can scoop the pill onto the foil, but I would recommend crushing on the foil to begin with so you don't lose any of your pill

3) Make somewhat of a crease in the foil, fold it/ curve it slightly horizontally (if that makes sense) -> U <- the shape you should have, with the crushed pill settling in the middle

4) Now take the business card (or you can find something as sturdy, and cut it to be equivalent to the size of a business card), and roll it up, kind of like you did when you pretended to smoke cigarettes as a kid. But be sure to not roll too tightly, as this will be your only way of inhaling the smoke from the pill.

5) Once you've rolled your card, place it comfortably in your mouth.

6) Hold the aluminum foil steadily and comfortably in front of your face/ card, be sure to not get TOO close with the end of the card, as this will result in inhaling the crushed up pill!

7) It may take a minute to find the "sweet spot", but place the lighter under the foil with your opposite hand and light up for only 3 - 4 seconds the first time. When this happens, it will produce a white smoke from the pill.

8) AS SOON AS you see the smoke, begin inhaling! Do not let any smoke get away! If you do, you're just wasting the pill and letting the high get away!

9) Once you've inhaled the pill, hold it for as long as you can.

10) Repeat, and enjoy!

On a side note, this process may take a couple of tries to really understand how to do correctly and so you may waste a little bit of your pill, but it's worth it once you've learned. The high lasts for a decent amount of time (between 3 and 6 hours) and it hits you almost instantly.

You'll also notice after lighting up a few times that there will be resin/ residue on the foil from burning the pill... drop what you're doing when this happens and lay the foil on a flat hard surface, then take a pocket knife or razor and CAREFULLY (not to rip the foil) scrape the residue from where it's stuck and crush it up just like you did the pill. Do this repeatedly so that you smoke every bit of your pill and do not waste any!

Hope this helps out, good luck!

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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