

Can you subtract negative numbers

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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For example:

-7 - (-9) = 2

The trick is that whenever you see two minus signs in a row, replace both of them with a plus sign.


10 - (-2) is the same as 10 + 2 which is equal to 12.

-9 -5 = -14

-5 -(-9) = -5 + 9 = 4

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Whatever is required by the context of the question. Whether or not the number is negative gives no indication as to whether to add or subtract.

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2 negatives make a positive

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When you subtract a negative number from a positive number, it is equivalent to adding the two numbers together. Therefore, it is a gain.

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If both numbers are positive, simply add them as you learned in 4th grade. If both numbers are negative,simply add them but add a minus to the answer. If one is positive and the other negative, ignoring the signs,subtract the smaller from the larger and add the sign of the larger to your answer.

When you subtract two negative numbers should the answer be negative?

Yes that is correct as for example -3-5 = -8

What is the answer you get when you subtract?

it depends if the numbers are positive or negative. if its a positive minus a negative, or switched, it will be the sign of the greater number.