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I supose you can give it a shot, However you have to keep in mind the cost of the action if you lose as opposed to what you have to gain by not upsetting this A hole.

Blanks77: At least they acknowledged you worked those hours, someone I know worked for A Better Interior in Chesapeake, VA, he had the same problem, except they acknowledged it verbally, and now what give him his w2s or payroll records! What they did give him, he kept, but it was missing alot of days he worked, but when he put it to paper, theyre own records didn't match up, they underpaid him!

I would say get a print out of that e-mail, make sure the date and their email address is on there, and print it out. Keep the email in a separate folder in your mail so you don't accidently delete it. Save every coprrespondense with them, try your best to make sure its on paper, email, or even text, anything they tell you by phone might not fly in court. Document everything. If you still work there you can try calling the human resource people at your company and speak with whoever is in charge with the payroll. If hes just a manager, talk to the owner, work your way up till you get an answer. If that don't work, visit the Labor Board's site. They will want to see that e-mail and any other records. Make sure you keep orginals, send Labor Board copies, and e-mail. If you haven't quit, I'd keep working there, but make them intialize each day the hours you worked. They can try to fire you, but that just looks bad on their part, because they would be doing it in revenge for you contacting the labor board. But in the meantime look for another job! Good luck.

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Q: Can you sue your boss for not paying hours worked when they acknowledge you worked those hours in an email?
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