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5 ones and a girlfriend

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Q: Can you take 5 ones on 3 one true or false?
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Yes, a statement can be true or false but without knowing what the statement is no-one can possibly say whether it is true or it is false.

All parts of a true and false question must be true for the answer to be true?

Yes. If all the question's parts are true, then the answer is true. If all the question's parts are false, then the answer is false. If one of the question's parts is false and the rest true, then the answer is false. Logically, this is illustrated below using: A = True, B = True, C = True, D = False, E = False, F = False A and B and C = True D and E and F = False A and B and D = False If you add NOT, it's a bit more complicated. A and NOT(D) = True and True = True NOT(D) and D = True and False = False NOT(A) and NOT(B) = False and False = False Using OR adds another layer of complexity. A OR NOT(E) = True OR True = True NOT(D) OR D = True OR False = False NOT(A) OR NOT(B) = False OR False = False Logic is easy once you understand the rules.

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true true true false true true i think those are the answers to the question, and i do no that one of them are False and the rest are true.

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