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Q: Can you take paracetamol and omega 3 in one time?
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What is a maximum dose of paracetamol one can take?

Depending on your age, and wheather or not you have a history of liver/gastric problems means this can not be a personal answer. However, for an adult, with no history of gastric/liver problems OR history of allergic reactions to paracetamol or Ibuprofen, you can take up to 1g of paracetamol, and 400mg of ibuprofen.

Can anyone take omega 3?

yes any one can take omega 3. Omega 3 is very important it helps with growth,teeth, and brain development.It also helps to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Can you take Dimetap and paracetamol together?

Yes. You can take both of them together safely. First one is Antihistaminic and second one is Antipyretic. (Fever reducing drug. )

How do you know you've overdosed paracetamol?

Any time one takes more paracetamol than prescribed they risk overdose. If you think you have overdosed seek medical attention right away.

Where can you buy an Omega watch for a man that is waterproof?

One can purchase Omega watches for men that are waterproof in online stores such as Omega Watches or Prestige Time, This product is also available on eBay and Amazon.

Is the Omega rank the punishment rank in a wolf pack in real life or is it for the most playful wolf?

Omega wolves are the lowest rank in the pack but because they have it, it doesn't mean they have an unhappy life. An omega wolf is treated equally in the pack except when the time to eat comes around the omega wolf is the last one to eat. The omega wolf's role is also to keep peace in the pack by starting play. The omega wolf doesn't take orders around by other wolves but they do submit to them.

Where could one find the technical specifications of the Omega Juicer?

Omega Juicers are a great appliance to have around the house. One can make fresh juice at any time. Technical specifications can be found on the Omega Juicers website. There are manuals for all types of models.

Is it safe to take omega 3 if you have had a duodenal ulser?

Omega-3 fatty acids are okay to take with an ulcer in the duodenum. However, it's better to get easier digestible omega-3's compared to other alternatives. One good option for easy digestion is krill oil.

Can i take tramadol and paracetamol?

Paracetamol and Tramadol are commonly administered together in hospitals in the UK to treat moderate to severe pain. Typical doses are 1000mg of paracetamol 4 times a day and 50-100mg of Tramadol 4 times a day.

Can you take Zyrtec with panadeine?

Both Panadeine and Sudafed contain paracetamol, so if you took a full dose of each together you would be exceeding the recommended paracetamol dose. I suppose if you really wanted the effects of both pills you could take a half dose (one tablet) of each.

Can you take Advil and aramol together?

Yes, you can take Advil and paracetamol together. Advil works best for treating inflammation and reducing pain while paracetamol targets a fever.

Can you take Paracetamol and an antihistamine together?

There should be no problems when taking Paracetamol and an antihistamine together; however, if you are taking medications that might contain an antihistamine and Paracetamol, you would not want to take more Paracetamol without consulting your doctor or health care practitioner. Paracetamol can have serious side effects and taking too much can have serious consequences. For more information visit the Related Link.