YES. The amount of tax that would be added will depend on what the tax percentage is in the local area that you are purchasing the item in.
Depends how much the tax is. If it were 7 percent, multiple 7 (cents) by 3 and add it to 3 dollars. It would be $3.21.
The sales tax on 7.50 would be 73 cents.
68 cents.
8 cents tax for every dollar.
Where I am it would be 1.06 total
Tax is 63.9 cents per gallon. Of that amount 18.4 cents is Federal Tax.
Depends how much the tax is. If it were 7 percent, multiple 7 (cents) by 3 and add it to 3 dollars. It would be $3.21.
254.23 cents.
69 cents tax
Totally depends on what the tax rate is. So if the tax is 7% you would do this: 0.99 x 1.07
The sales tax on 7.50 would be 73 cents.
38 cents.
7 cents on the dollar
10 cents
68 cents.