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24 inches

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Q: Can you tell me how to convert 2 ft into inches?
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How do you I convert 1.0 ft square to inches square?

1 ft^2 = 144 in^2

How tall is 54?

54 inches is 4.5 ft tall. 4.5 ft = 4 ft, 6 inches tall. To calculate the answer, do the following: 54 / 12 = 4.5 (this is how to convert inches into ft. The answer means 4 + 1/2 ft) .5 * 12 = 6 (this is how to convert the decimal portion of 4.5 into inches)

How do you convert 27 inches to feet?

Divide by '12' 27/12 = 2 ft 3 inches or 2.25 ft.

How many feet does 20 inches equal?

To convert from inches to feet, divide by 12.

Convert 218cm to feet and inches?

218 cm = 7 ft 2 in approx.

What does the .2 in 8.2' convert to in inches?

Since 0.2 has units of feet, multiply the .2 feet by 12 in/ft and you obtain .2 feet = 2.4 inches.

3 feet 2 inches equals how many inches?

3 feet 2 inches is equivalent to 38 inches. To convert feet to inches, multiply the number of feet by 12 and then add the number of inches. In this case, 3 feet is 36 inches, and adding 2 inches gives a total of 38 inches.

What is the square meter of 28 ft 2 ins x 21 ft 4 ins?

Convert the feet and inches into metres and then multiply

How 3 ft equals 2 ft but how many inches?

3 ft = 2 ft 12 inches = 12 inches + 12 inches + 12 inches = 36 inches

How many adults are 5 ft 2 inches?

i don't think i know my answer how about you tell me.

How do you find the sum or difference of 2 feet 1 inch minus 9 inches?

there are not enough inches in 2 feet 1 inch to subtract 9 inches so we must convert one of the feet to inches. 1 ft = 12 in + 1 in = 13 in 1 ft 13 in 1 ft 13 in - 9 in = 1 ft 4 in

What is 3 and 2 over 3 feet plus 6 inches?

First, let's convert all dimensions to inches: 3 ft = 36 inches; 2/3 ft = 8 inches; 6 inches = 6 inches. Next, add all dimensions: 36 + 8 + 6 = 50. Then divide by number of inches per foot (12): 50 ÷ 12 = 4 ft, 2 in.