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Example sentence - We discussed various examples of Atomic Mass in our class today.

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Q: Can you use atomic mass in a sentence?
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How do you use the word atomic mass in a sentence?

The Atomic Mass unit is a very useful way to get the properties of an element. This is a sentence which contains the word atomic mass unit.

How do you use atomis mass in a sentence?

The atomic mass gives the mass of the atom. It is one of the physical property of the atom.

What is a sentence for atomic mass?

the atomic mass is how much an element weighs

What symbol do scientists use to represent atomic mass unit?

Scientists use the symbol "u" to represent atomic mass unit.

What is the unit of measurement use for atomic particles?

Atomic mass unit

What does atomic mass represent of an element represent?

Atomic Mass represents the mass of atom. We use mass of protons and neutrons.

Can you use the atomic number and atomic mass to calculate the number of each subatomic particle?

atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons atomic mass = mass of protons + mass of neutrons

What do you use atomic mass units for?

The atomic mass unit is 1/12 from the mass of the isotope 12C.

Why atomic mass is called relative atomic mass?

Atomic mass is so small you can't actually measure it. So, just like carbon dating, you have to use a relative mass.

How Do You Use The Word atomic theory in A Sentence?

when i was atomic theory i was a smart

How can you use the word atomic radius in a sentence?

Please tell me your atomicnumber.You just did 'use atomic number in a sentence' by putting this question on-screen.You could even read the above question and answers aloud, and you will have done it again.I just couldn't believe my eyes when I realized that an atomic number is revealed by the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom!"What is your atomic number?" is NOT a good pick-up line, unless you are speaking to a scientifically-minded person.The atomic number of Helium is 2."The atomic number of Sulfur is 16."(Note that atomic number means the number of protons in the atom, that's why the term proton number is interchangeable with atomic number.)See the related Wikipedia link listed below for more information:

What formula will be use to get average atomic mass on an isotopes?

mass formula