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Pythagoras' Theorem states that for any right angle triangle the height squared plus the base squared is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. In other words, after finding the square of the hypotenuse, square root your answer to find its length. Hence: (8*8)+(6*6)=64+36=100. The square root of 100=10. Therefore the length of the hypotenuse is 10 inches. In Roman numerals: (VIII*VIII)+(VI*VI)=LXIIII+XXXVI=C. The square root of C=X. Therefore the length of the hypotenuse is X inches. David Gambell, Merseyside, England.

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Q: Can you work out the length of the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle with sides VIII and VI inches showing all your workings in roman numerals?
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What does the word diagram mean?

a simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation

What is the proof for showing that the sides of an isosceles right triangle are in the ratio of one to one to the square root of 2?

Augustus Pythagoras: let the equal sides be 1 unit. The square of the third side, which is the hypotenuse, is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, in this case 12 and 12, a total of 2. The hypotenuse is therefore equal to the square root of two.

What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle whose sides add up to 17.5 with an area of 37.5 square cm showing work?

Let the sides be x and y:- x+y = 17.5 => y = 17.5-x 0.5*xy = 37.5 => xy = 75 x(17.5-x) = 75 => 17.5x-x2-75 = 0 Solving the above quadratic equation gives x postive values of 10 and 7.5 So the sides are 10 cm and 7.5 cm Using Pythagoras' theorem the length of the hypotenuse works out as 12.5 cm

What is the largest angle of a triangle with sides of 5.8cm by 14.1cm by 8.3cm showing work?

Such a triangle would be impossible to construct with the given 3 dimensions because in order to construct a triangle the sum of its 2 shortest sides must be greater than the length of its longest side.

What is the area of a triangle when its shortest side is less than the other sides by 18.55 cm and 21.2 cm respectively showing brief details of your work?

Presumably it's a right angle triangle so use Pythagoras' theorem and let the hypotenuse be (x+21.2) the height be (x+18.55) and the base be x:- (x+21.2)2-(x+18.55)2 = x2 If: (x2+42.4x+449.44)-(x2+37.1x+344.1025) = x2 Then: -x2+5.3x+105.3375 = 0 Solving the above by means of the quadratic equation formula gives x a positive value of 13.25 So the dimensions are: hypotenuse 34.45 cm, height 31.8 and base 13.25 cm Area = 0.5*31.8*13.25 = 210.675 square cm

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Augustus Pythagoras: let the equal sides be 1 unit. The square of the third side, which is the hypotenuse, is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, in this case 12 and 12, a total of 2. The hypotenuse is therefore equal to the square root of two.

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