157 175 571 517 751 715 6 times
1 mm = 1000 micrometre is written as a decimal. To write a number as a decimal only requires that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. The number may or may not have a decimal point, it may or may not have a fractional part.
There is no number. 100 is the only one that has a hundreds digit. It's impossible.
It can only be a multipule of 6. 12.
33+3+3/3 = 31
Its impossible, there are only 5 single digit numbers that are not prime
157 175 571 517 751 715 6 times
1 mm = 1000 micrometre is written as a decimal. To write a number as a decimal only requires that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. The number may or may not have a decimal point, it may or may not have a fractional part.
The smallest six-digit even number is 100,000
There is no number. 100 is the only one that has a hundreds digit. It's impossible.
Assuming you mean in the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 998, 999, 1000 then the digit 0. (The digit 1 appears 301 times, the digits 2-9 all appear 300 times each, but the digit 0 only appears 192 times.)
It can only be a multipule of 6. 12.
The last digit, 6, determines its precision. 234.896 is presumed to be accurate to the nearest thousandth. If any other digit defined its precision, it would be pointless to write the others. For example, if we were told that 234.896 is only precise to the tens digit, it would suffice to write 230 because any additional digits would be meaningless.
The only rule is that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point.