80,007,941 = eighty million, seven thousand, nine hundred forty-one.
80,94007 ,41
The digit 8 in 80007941 represents eight ten-millions.
80,007,941 or Eighty million, seven thousand, nine hundred forty-one.
Write the "$" Then write the "1" Then write another "1" Then write a "6" Then write a "0" You have written $1160.
You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.
80,94007 ,41
Eighty million, seven thousand, nine hundred forty-one.
The digit 8 in 80007941 represents eight ten-millions.
80,007,941 = eighty million, seven thousand, nine hundred forty-one.
80,007,941 or Eighty million, seven thousand, nine hundred forty-one.
Write the "$" Then write the "1" Then write another "1" Then write a "6" Then write a "0" You have written $1160.
Read read read read. And then write write write write.
we to write in pencil
You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.You write it as 30/200.
The future tense of "write" is "will write." For example, "I will write a letter tomorrow."