Car accidents are caused by many things but the main cause of accidents are speeding drivers.Statistics show that 40% of the accidents worldwide are caused by speeding. The other reasons being distracted drivers (26%) and drunk drivers (34%)All sources are governmental prooven
I seriously doubt that this particular statisti is quantified.
9 out of ten car accidents happen at night
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration blames distracted driving for 80% of all car accidents. It is the number one cause of car accidents in the United States. This can be caused by talking on a cell phone, texting, smoking, eating food, looking for something, or even just surfing the radio.
Impossible to answer - not all car accidents need to be reported. Minor bumps (for example - backing into a wall) would be a matter for the driver's insurance company.
the percentage of car accidents caused by smoking is 76%
39% of accidents are caused by alchocal.
Approximately 28% Of Car Accidents Caused By Texting
Too many!
a few
ScienceDaily reported on June 1, 2008 that 24% of car accidents are due to ice, snow or rain.
70 percent
About 1,400 annually.