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you may have a urinary tract infection witch can lead to sever gayness

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Q: Carlos ran 4 miles north in 30 minutes What was his average velocity?
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What is the average velocity in mph of 2.5 miles ran in 15 minutes?

Average speed = Distance/Time = 2.5 miles/15 minutes = 10 miles per hour

Julie ran eight laps around her school's quarter-mile track in 18 minutes Her average velocity was?

You say the track is 400m, then ask how far you have run after 18 laps. Your distance is 2 miles. Your average speed is 9min per mile. apex- 0

You drove 10 miles to school in 20 minutes Then drove the 10 miles home in 30 minutes your average velocity was?

Velocity = Distance ÷ Time Average Velocity = (10 + 10) ÷ (1/3 + 1/2) = 20 ÷ 5/6 = 20 x 6/5 = 24 mph NOTE : The times in minutes have been converted into fractions of an hour to enable the answer to be provided in miles per hour.

Julie ran eight laps around her schools quarter mile track in 18 minutes what was her average velocity was?

Julie's average velocity was 2 miles per hour. This is calculated by dividing the total distance (2 miles) by the total time (1 hour, as there are 60 minutes in one hour).

What is your initial velocity if you traveled 25 miles in 2 minutes and your final velocity is 0 mile per hour?

If you traveled 25 miles in 2 minutes, your average speed was 25 miles per 2 minutes or 750 miles per hour. If your rate of deceleration was constant, your initial speed was two times 750 miles per hour or 1500 mph. I do not have enough information to determine your initial velocity because I don't know what direction you were going, and velocity is speed with direction.

If Carlos runs 6 miles in 55 minutes how many miles can he run in 88 minutes?

He can run 9.6 miles in 88 minutes.

Julie ran eight laps around her school quarter-mile tarck in 18 minutes her average velocity was ms?

To find the average velocity, we need to know the total distance Julie ran. If she ran eight laps around a quarter-mile track, she covered a total distance of 2 miles. To calculate the average velocity, divide the total distance by the total time taken: 2 miles / 18 minutes = 0.111 miles per minute.

What is the velocity of a tsunami with a wavelength of 125 miles and a period of 15 minutes?

velocity=500 miles per hour

When Mike ran ten laps around his school's 14 mile track in 15 minutes. what was his average velocity in miles per hour?

Mike's average velocity would be 56 miles per hour. This is calculated by dividing the total distance (14 miles) by the total time taken (15 minutes, converted to hours by dividing by 60).

Julie ran eight laps around her schools quarter mile track in 18 minutes Her average velocity was m s?

Julie's average velocity was 5 m/s. (Velocity = distance / time = 8 laps x 0.25 miles per lap / 18 minutes = 5 m/s)

Mr Hoffman a science teacher drove 10 miles to school in 20 minutes He drove the 10 miles home in 30 min His average velocity was?


What Julie ran eight laps around her schools quarter-mile track in 18 minuets her average velocity was?

To find Julie's average velocity, we first need to determine the total distance she ran. 8 laps around a quarter-mile track is 2 miles (8 laps * 0.25 miles/ lap). Then, we can divide this distance by the total time to get her average velocity, which is 2 miles / 18 minutes = 0.11 miles per minute.