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Caroline can paint half the fence in 3 hours and Lily can paint half the fence in 2 hours, so it will take a total of 5 hours for them to paint the fence while working together.

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Q: Caroline can paint a fence in 6 hours Her sister Lily can paint the same fences in 4 hours How long will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?
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What is close figure?

I do not know but: A closed figure is a figure with sides all around. (if the sides were fences and you were on the inside you could not get out witout climbing a fence)

Delbert can paint a fence by himself in 11 hours and Dorothy can paint the same fence in 12 hours How long will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?

Delbert can paint the fence in 11 hours so in 1 hour Delbert paints 1/11 of a fence. Similarly, in 1 hour Dorothy paints 1/12 of a fence. So together, in 1 hour they paint 1/11 + 1/12 = 12/132 + 11/132 = 23/132 of a fence. So to paint the fence together they would need 1 / (23/132) = 132/23 hours = 5.74 hours

How do you calculate lineal foot for a wood fence?

Measure all the lengths of the shape that you wish to enclose using the fence and add them together.

What is the outlier in 2 3 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 21?

There are no universally agreed determinants are outliers. Commonly used measure are Lower Outer Fence : Q1 - 3*IQR Lower Inner Fence : Q1 - 1.5*IQR Upper Inner Fence : Q3 + 1.5*IQR Upper Outer Fence : Q3 + 3*IQR where Q1 and Q3 are the lower and upper quartiles and IQR = Q3 - Q1. Values further than the outer fence are called extreme outliers while those between the inner and outer fences are mild outliers. On that basis the values 2 and 3 are both mild outliers.

Two boys can paint a fence in 7 hours Two girls can paint the same fence in 5 hours In the unlikely event that they can work at the same pace together how long would the four people working togethe?

2.9 hours

Related questions

Is fence a plural or singular?

The noun 'fence' is a singular noun.The plural form is fences.The word 'fence' is also a verb: fence, fences, fencing, fenced.

Is fence's plual or possessive?

No, the word fence's is the singular possessive noun.The plural form of the noun fence is fences. The plural possessive form is fences'.example: Some of those fences' posts need replacing.

Is cedar durable for fences?

It is a VERY durable wood for fences and fence posts.

What is the plural form of the word fence?


What is the plural word for rail fence?

Rail fences

What is the difference between a guardian fence and a privacy fence?

A guardian fence and a privacy fence serve the same basic purpose. However, guardian fences are meant more for safety, and privacy fences are usually taller and disallow people from seeing into your property.

What is different about the rabbit proof fence to other fences?

rabbit proof fences have mesh on them as well as wire

How many fences can go around a basketball fence?

1 can

How do you spell a fence?

That is the correct spelling of "fence" (a dividing structure, to duel with foil or epee, or slang, to handle stolen goods).

How do you keep cows from eating your shrubbery?

Use fences. An electric perimeter fence is almost a necessity when you have large farm animals. If you can not plug an electric fence in they also make solar powered fences.

Does a high tensile fence last longer than other fences?

A high tensile fence will last longer and require less maintenance than a barbed or woven wire fence. It is durable, secure, and has a lower cost than most conventional fences.

Why do need fences?

Fences serve many purposes, from privacy to security to marking your territory. Hope this helps! If you are looking for a good fence company, I would recommend Amechi Fence Co at