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Total area 12 sq yds @ $9.50 per sq yd = $114

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Q: Carpet Masters charges nine dollars and fifty cent per square yard to clean a carpet If you have two rooms with an area of six square yards each how much will it cost to have the carpets cleaned?
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What does it cost Tiger Woods to play in the masters?

4.3 million dollars

Starting Salaries Masters Degrees?

A masters degree can increase your salary to around 82,000 dollars. Depending on what your degree is in, you can make even more.

How to Save Money on Cleaning Your Carpets?

If your carpets need to be cleaned, you can save money by cleaning them yourself. Renting a steam cleaner can save you hundreds of dollars over hiring a professional carpet cleaning company. Steam cleaner rentals are available at most home improvement stores. The steam cleaners cost very little to rent and can usually be kept for about 24 hours. Cleaning your own carpets is very easy, since the steam cleaner does all of the work for you. It operates very similarly to a vacuum cleaner, so all you have to do is fill it with water and cleaner and run over your carpet.

What are the money amounts won in the Masters?

Anything from 9 dollars to 3,000,000,000,000,000,000 rupees.

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If you have a masters in automotive engineering, then i bow down to you. you can make upwards of 50-100 dollars an hour depending. that is the dumbest answer of all time

How much does it cost for Larry Hernandez to perform at a party?

well no lie hes my cousin and he charges like about 500 dollars the night and if you are my friend he charges 50

What does first place pay at masters?

The first place at the Masters in 2013 was 1.44 million dollars. Adam Scott was the winner and will deposit this amount in one of his bank accounts or financial institutions. The winner of the Masters is indeed the winner of a lot of money.

What type of gift do you get for a masters student?

at least 400 million dollars in unmarked bills. and a pack of cigarettes.

What charges was UBS facing prior to the recent settlement of over a billion and a half dollars?

UBS was facing Libor rigging (fixing interest rate benchmark) charges prior to the recent settlement that was reached for over a billion and a half dollars.

How much does a teacher without a masters degree earn?

I would have to say about 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars Shane Harrison CT

How much did Adam Scott win at the masters 2013?

1.4 million dollars.

What is the yearly income of a social worker with a masters degree?

Up to 50,000 dollars yearly =] info. from occuptional out look handbook