There is no valid conversion - meter is a measure of distance while cc (cubic centimeter) is a measure of volume.
Conversion: mL x 1 = cc
There is no conversion of cm to l .But , cubic cm and litre has relation. so,1 cc=0.001 l.
Something seems to be missing in your question, but if you meant a cube with one side of 2.3 cm, then the answer is 12 cc.
This is not a valid conversion. Cubic centimeters (cc) is a measure of volume. Grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.
Here is a link to a liquid conversion chart that includes conversion from cc to ounces:
There is not a conversion from cc to MPH, but the more the cc's, the faster it is able to go.
Conversion: Naptha is 0.75 g / cc or 1.333 cc/g Conversion: 1000 cc = 1 l Conversion: 453.59237 g = 1 pound. Conversion: 2000 pounds = 1 ton 1 ton * 2000 lb/ton * 453.59237 g/lb * 1.333 cc/g * 0.001 l/cc = 1209.579653 liters.
"0.5 cc" or "0.5 mL"
cc is a unit of area not power so ther is no presice answer
To convert milligrams (mg) to cubic centimeters (cc), you need to know the density of the substance in question. Density is typically expressed in units of mass per unit volume (e.g., mg/cc). Without this information, it is not possible to accurately convert 250 mg to cc.
There is none. A 133 cc engine can have varying hp depending on many things.
There is no direct conversion between grams and cc (cubic centimeters) as they measure different things (mass vs volume). The conversion would depend on the substance's density, as that determines how many cc are in a specific mass of a substance.
There is no valid conversion - meter is a measure of distance while cc (cubic centimeter) is a measure of volume.