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Q: Central to any society is a common set of values shared by its citizens that determines what is socially acceptable Marketers refer to these values collectively as a country's?
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Who determines the rules for aliens becoming citizens?

Congress- A1, S9

How do citizens both individually and collectively influence government policy?

by staying out of trouble.staying out of jail.respecting the law.being good to your world.

Who determines the rules for aliens becoming us citizens?

Congress- A1, S9

What are children born of in the US to illegal immigrants called?

They are not called anything. No one determines if they are citizens ( which they are) or not. They are children. Anchor babies.

What type of buying does the government do?

Collectively they spend trillions of dollars for services and products needed for governmental operations and to provide citizens with the products and services needed for their general welfare.

Is it acceptable for a Chinese person to sign their name in Chinese on legal documents in US including personal checks and IDs?

Chinese Citizens. In both language.

The first American in the US?

Based on speaking of citizens of United States and not ancient indians. You would have to have at least 2 states to be United States so Delaware being the first to become a state had to wait until the second state joined and the population of those two states collectively became the first American citizens.

What was the reaction of Japan citizens during the Treaty of Kanagawa?

They were mad indeed They were mad indeed They were mad indeed

What are some general law part 1 objective type question answers?

it determines the relations of private citizens to the is futher divided into criminal law and criminal procedure

Who did Rousseau think should rule society?

Rousseau believed in the concept of the "general will," where the entire social body collectively determines laws and policies for the common good. He believed that the people as a whole should rule society rather than a monarch or elite ruling class. Rousseau argued for a direct democracy where citizens participate in decision-making processes.

Americans' deep-seated political beliefs?

Americansâ?? deep seated political beliefs have a major affect on what the citizens regard to be reasonable and acceptable. This belief system affects what the Americans make an attempt to achieve politically.

What is the definition of eldery?

of advanced age; old:discounts for elderly patrons. 2.of or relating to persons in later life. noun3.(used with a plural verb) elderly people collectively; senior citizens (usually preceded by the):Doctors recommend that young children and the elderly get vaccinated. that what this means