302/1000 = 151/500
Three hundred and two is 302 written in words. Not sure what is meant by '...and some change in words'?
You can change a decimal into a fraction or a percentage
You change three percent to a decimal.
302/1000 = 151/500
Find a calculator or use your brain! And without a decimal, no.
Three hundred and two is 302 written in words. Not sure what is meant by '...and some change in words'?
You can change a decimal into a fraction or a percentage
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
0.5 is a decimal so therefore you cant change a decimal to a decimal. But, 0.5 as a number is 5.
They are the same value. The 0 in front of 56 and the 0's after .302 are insignificant.
You change three percent to a decimal.
Only if you change the drive gear. The gear is different on the 289/302/351W distributor. Outside of that it will work.
It has a timing CHAIN