The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The written name for the number 43 is forty-three. Its ordinal number is forty-third.
43rd ("ordinal" not "ordianal")
The ordinal of 43 is: 43rd or forty-third.
"sixteenth" is an ordinal number. There is no ordinal number for an ordinal number!
The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The written name for the number 43 is forty-three. Its ordinal number is forty-third.
43rd ("ordinal" not "ordianal")
The ordinal of 43 is: 43rd or forty-third.
It is 43rd or forty-third.
"sixteenth" is an ordinal number. There is no ordinal number for an ordinal number!
twenty one