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Q: Change is to variable as move is to?
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What is the answer to the analogy change is to variable as move is to what?


Is the independent variable the one that does not change?

No, as the name Variable implies, it can and does change. Since it is 'Independent' its change is not a direct effect of the change of any other Variable. Additionally, the independent variable depends on the dependent variable.

Why does the dependent variable change as the independent variable changes into a linear relationship?

The independent variable is the variable that you change and manipulate in an equation. This causes the dependant variable to change.

What is an idependent variable?

It is the kind of variable that you purposely change.

A variable that does not change as another variable changes-?

The variable that changes due to a change in another variable is known as 'dependant variable".

What Is the variable that change in response to the manipulated variable?

The dependent variable may change in response to the manipulated variable.

If your manipulated variable causes a change what is the change called?

The change is called the dependent variable. It is the variable that is being measured or observed as a result of the manipulation of the independent variable.

What kind of variable is changed to determine how it will affect the dependent variable?

The dependant variable is what you can't change, or decide, and it is affected by the independent variable. EX. If you were to see which liquid is the slowest, the independent variable would be the liquids that you can choose, and the independent variable would be how fast or slow they move, because it depends on what liquids you chose.

What is the variable that you change called?

The variable that you change is called the independent variable, or the manipulated variable. This variable is deliberately altered by the experimenter to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

4 What is dependent variable and independent variable?

change and no change

What is the variable that may or may not change when the independent variable is changed?

The variable that may or may not change when the independent variable is changed is the dependent variable. It is the variable that is being measured or observed in an experiment and is expected to change in response to the manipulation of the independent variable.

What variable is the factor that may change in response to the manipulative variable?

The dependent variable may change in response to the manipulated variable.