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It is a centimetre.

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Q: Choose the appropriate unit of measure.the height of a gate?
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What is the length and width of India gate?

Height 42 mtrs

How do you find the square feet of a fence?

Measure the length and the height of the proposed fence. Multiply the length in feet times the height in feet for the answer: total square feet of fence fabric needed. There are also other factors to consider such as whether there will be a gate.

Can you obtain OR gate function from AND gate?

Well, if you mean to make the truths of an AND gate similiar to the ones of OR gates, then you can do the following: 1. Put an inverter at every input of the AND gate. This will make it act like an NOR gate 2. Put an inverter at the output of the gate. This will invert the truths and turn the NOR gate into an OR gate

What are the differences between an and gate and or gate?

In a circuit board, either an AND gate or an OR gate has two inputs and one output. For example, let's call the inputs A and B--these are wires that, at a given time are either hot (have electric current) or cold (have no current). Let's call the output C; it is either hot or cold depending on the gate and the inputs at the time. If the gate is an AND gete, C will be hot only when both A and B are hot. If the gate is an OR gate, C will be hot if either A or B or both are hot.

Are the gates of Jerusalem named for the twelve tribes?

No. The city gates are called: # Damascus Gate # Herod's Gate # Lions' Gate # Dung Gate # Zion Gate # Jaffa Gate # Golden Gate - Sealed gates # Single Gate - Sealed gates # Double Gate - Sealed gates # Huldah Gates - Sealed gates See for reasons for the names. The twelve tribes are # Reuben # Simeon # Levi # Judah # Dan # Naphtali # Gad # Asher # Issachar # Zebulun # Joseph # Benjamin Read about them on

Related questions

What is the height of an average gate?

outdoor main gate entrance height

The height of a wall is 72 and the height of a gate is 45 how much higher is the wall than the gate?

72 - 45 = 27

What is the height of golden gate bridge?

It is 746 feet tall.

What are the best safety measures to consider when installing a baby gate for an open stairway?

When installing a baby gate for an open stairway, consider the following safety measures: ensure the gate is securely mounted to the wall or banister, choose a gate with vertical slats to prevent climbing, make sure the gate is the correct height to prevent climbing over, and regularly check the gate for any signs of wear or damage.

What is the height of the brandenburg gate?

It is 368 meters high.

What are the key safety features to consider when choosing a hinged stair gate for your home?

When choosing a hinged stair gate for your home, key safety features to consider include a secure locking mechanism, sturdy construction, smooth edges to prevent injuries, and a height that is appropriate for your child's age and size.


42 metres

What is the length and width of India gate?

Height 42 mtrs

Where is the coaching center for gate exam in coimbatore?

you can choose GATE FORUM centre. it is one of the best. my friend is attending it and recommends GATE FORUM to everyone.

What's the length of the golden gate bridge?

The height for the Golden Gate Bridge is 230 meters and length is 1970 meters.

What is the recommended height for a baby gate to ensure safety and security for young children?

The recommended height for a baby gate to ensure safety and security for young children is typically around 30 inches to 36 inches.

What is the biggest gate in the world?

The Istiqlal Gate in Baghdad, Iraq is often considered the largest gate in the world. It has a height of about 37 meters and a width of 12 meters.