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It is a centimetre.

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Q: Choose the appropriate unit of measure.the height of a gate?
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What is the height of an average gate?

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The height of a wall is 72 and the height of a gate is 45 how much higher is the wall than the gate?

72 - 45 = 27

What is the height of golden gate bridge?

It is 746 feet tall.

What is the height of the brandenburg gate?

It is 368 meters high.


42 metres

What is the length and width of India gate?

Height 42 mtrs

Where is the coaching center for gate exam in coimbatore?

you can choose GATE FORUM centre. it is one of the best. my friend is attending it and recommends GATE FORUM to everyone.

What's the length of the golden gate bridge?

The height for the Golden Gate Bridge is 230 meters and length is 1970 meters.

What is the biggest gate in the world?

The Istiqlal Gate in Baghdad, Iraq is often considered the largest gate in the world. It has a height of about 37 meters and a width of 12 meters.

Is it necessary to appear in GATE exam for btech students?

It's not necessary to qualify GATE you've also choose different ways to find job or apply in govt job,yes GATE open the gate for PSU.

How do you make a gate in empire earth?

Just as you do with villagers.. You click on them and you choose some actions.. Here , you just click on the wall you want the gate to be built and you will select the option "build gate"

Wrought Iron Gates?

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