

Circumference of a 6 inch pie?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Circumference of a 6 inch pie?
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What is the circumference of a circle with a 9 inch radius?

(pie)(diameter)=(circumference) (pie)(9)(2)=18(pie)=56.549

What is the circumference of a 6 inch circle?

The circumference of a 6-inch circle is: 18.85 inches.

What is the Circumference of 6 inch circle?

The circumference of a 6-inch circle is: 18.85 inches.

Is the circumference 3 times the radius?

No, the formula for a circumference of a circle is 2(pie)r For example, if r is 6, the the circumference is 12(pie)

Circumference of a 6 inch diameter circle?

The circumference of a 6 inch diameter circle is: 18.8 inches. (diameter x Pi = circumference)

What is the circumference of a 6 inch diameter circle?

The circumference of a six-inch diameter circle is: 18.8 inches.

What is the circumference of a 12 inch round circle for the area?

well the formula is 2 pie r

What is the circumference of a circle with an 6 inch diameter?

Circumference in inches = pi*6 or 2*pi*3

How do you find the circumference with a radius of 6?

multiply by 2 then times pie

What is the circumference of the moon pie?

Do you mean 'What is the circumference of the Moon using 'pi = 3.141592....'. If so :- The circumference is 10,921.0 km. or Using the equatorial radius it is 2 x 1738.1 x pi. = 10,920.8 km NB The mathematical pi is spelled as 'pi' and equals 3.14592654... 'Pie' spelled as 'pie' is the pie that you eat , e.g. meat pie or apple pie.

Circumference of a 6 inch circle?

Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

What is the circumference of a circle with a 38 inch diameter?

12 inch diameter(also 6 inch radius).