

Codings for coprime number in c?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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10y ago

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int main(){

int n1,n2;

printf("\nEnter two numbers:");

scanf("%d %d",&n1,&n2);








return 0;


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What number coprime with 18?

coprime numbers with 18 are : 17 and 19.

Fill in the syllogism. If ab and bc then a?

The answer will depend on whether or not the relationship between the pairs of variables is transitive. In mathematics, not all relationships are transitive.For example, if the relationship is "is coprime with", then2 is coprime with 3, 3 is coprime with 4 but 2 is certainly not coprime with 4.

What is the LCM of ab and bc?

It depends on whether or not a and c are coprime (have no factors in common). Suppose x is the greatest common factor of a and c, where x = 1 if a and c are coprime. ie GCF(a, c) = x then let a = x*m and c = x*n where m and n are coprime then LCM(ab, bc) = LCM(x*m*b, x*n*b) = x*m*n*b

Is 5 and 7 coprime?

Coprime numbers are those in which only 1 and that number (say 5) can be divisible by it. Both 5 and 7 would be coprime numbers because they are numbers divisible by only themselves and 1.

What is a co-prime number?

There is no such thing as a coprime number.Two integers are said to be relatively prime (or coprime) if they have no common positive factor, other than 1. Examples:Any two different prime numbers are coprime.16 and 27 are coprime.14 and 18 are not coprime. They have the common factor 2.

Are 6 and 8 are coprime number?

No. They are both multiples of 2.

HCF of two coprime number is?

The product of the two numbers

Is the 5 and 12 are coprime numbers?

No 5 is a prime number and 12 is composite number

What number goes into 9 and 14?

One. The two numbers are coprime.