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Q: Compare qualitative and quantitatine ontology
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Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative?

quantitative = numbers qualitative = not numbers (e.g. gender, state, ...)

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative data?

quantitative = numbers qualitative = not numbers (e.g. gender, state, ...)

Compare quantitative and qualitative descriptions?

i dont know... sorry

What does Ontology stand for in general?

Ontology is the study of being and things in existence. Ontology is the study of what might exist. Broad kinds of content research. Ontology is about logic.

When was The Ontology of Noise created?

The Ontology of Noise was created in 2009.

How do you use ontology in a sentence?

each ontology put forward

What is the difference between ontology and epistemology?

ontology is what you can know epistemology is how you can know it

What is ontology in qualitative research?

Ontology in qualitative research refers to the study of the nature of reality and our knowledge about it. It involves examining how researchers understand and conceptualize the nature of the social world they are studying, including what is considered to be real or existent. Researchers' ontological beliefs influence how they approach their research questions, data collection, and interpretation of findings.

When was RNA Ontology Consortium created?

RNA Ontology Consortium was created in 2005.

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative Explain how both types of information are important to biological studies?

Quantitative data may be used to make a graph or table. Qualitative is easier to explain with numbers or a written description.

What is ontology and epistemology and is there a relationship between them?

Ontology is a metaphysical look at our being. Epistemology tries to expose the difference between opinions and proven thoughts. The use of epistemology helps to determine conclusions from ontology.

If the candy was sour is it qualitative or a quantative?
