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in scan line polygon fill, each can line crossing a polygon, the area fill algorithm locates the intersection point of the scan line with the polygon edges. These intersection points are then stored from left to right and the corresponding frame buffer positions between each intersection painr are set to the specified fill color.

In boundary fill, approach to area filling is to start at a point inside a region and paint the interior outward toward and the boundary.

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Q: Compare scanline polygon fill with the boundary fill algorithm?
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Difference between boundary fill algorithm and scanline polygon fill algorithm?

in scan line polygon fill, each can line crossing a polygon, the area fill algorithm locates the intersection point of the scan line with the polygon edges. These intersection points are then stored from left to right and the corresponding frame buffer positions between each intersection painr are set to the specified fill color. In boundary fill, approach to area filling is to start at a point inside a region and paint the interior outward toward and the boundary.

Compare the scan line polygon fill with the boundary fill algorithm?

in scan line polygon fill, each can line crossing a polygon, the area fill algorithm locates the intersection point of the scan line with the polygon edges. These intersection points are then stored from left to right and the corresponding frame buffer positions between each intersection painr are set to the specified fill color. In boundary fill, approach to area filling is to start at a point inside a region and paint the interior outward toward and the boundary.

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You overcome limitations of the stack in polygon filling, or in any other algorithm, far that matter, but using an iterative technique, rather than a recursive technique. Recursion is quite useful, and can simplify algorithm design. Polygon filling, however, is a class of algorithm can potentially have a very deep recursion depth. This causes stress on the stack, hence the need for iteration.

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I was wondering the same thing and found this... "The first polygon is always the universal polygon which represents the coverage boundary."

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A side is usually a straight line that forms a boundary of a polygon. Occasionally, the term is also used for a curved boundary.

What is the meaning of the sides of a polygon?

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