

Compare the 1920s to today

Updated: 12/15/2022
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15y ago

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thaey werent as advanced as us

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Q: Compare the 1920s to today
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What business of the 1920s was different from today?

no c

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How did the 1920s impact today's society?

Short haircuts for women, which came into fashion in the 1920s, remain popular today. Since the 1920s, it has always been socially acceptable for women to wear skirts that do not reach their ankles.

What are the differences of the installment plan between 1920s and today?

Nothing much. Today interest rates are higher.

American dream today compared with the 1920s?

i don't know you tell me..?

What was the 1920s in America?

they were just like they were today except they were much much less fat

Which major trend characterized the 1920s and continues today?

retail buying on installment of credit

Who was the most notorious of the criminals during the 1920s?

From the 1920s to 1930s in my opinion John Dillinger was the most notorious criminal robbing close to $300000 or hundreds of millions today.

What was invented in the 1920s that we still use today's age?

One major invention that is still around today was radio. Another was talking pictures-- today known as movies (movies had been around since 1895, but they were silent until 1927, when technology to bring sound to movies was perfected). Early experiments with television were occurring in the 1920s, and TV is certainly still around today. Frozen food, band-aids, penicillin, bubble gum, and the yo-yo all go back to the 1920s, and all are still around today.

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give me 7ways farming is different today than it was in the 1920's?

How did the 1920s education influence education in America today?

The 1920s were a time of educational innovation and progress in America, with the introduction of new teaching methods, subjects, and technology. These influences continue to shape education today through the emphasis on creativity, critical thinking, and technology integration in modern classrooms. Additionally, the 1920s highlighted the importance of equal access to education, which has spurred ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity in today's educational system.

How does the amount of carbon in the atmosphere today compare today to the amount in 1750?

it has almost doubled!