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Q: Compare the number of line segments that form the edges of a pentagon withteh number line segments that form a rectangle write a comparison ststement?
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Related questions

How many line segments in a pentagon?

5 line segments

How many line segments do a pentagon have?

5 line segments

What is the five line segments?

a pentagon

What is a figure that has 5 line segments?

A pentagon

Does a pentagon always have perpindicular line segements?

No. A regular pentagon has no perpendicular line segments

How much parall line segments dose a pentagon?

None as in the form of a regular 5 sided pentagon.

How many line segment in Pentagon?

5 line segments

What are the two longest segment lines in a rectangle?

In the outline of a rectangle, the LENGTHS. Line segments that can fit in a rectangle: the DIAGONALS.

What are the 5 line segments for a polygon?

A pentagon has 5 segment lines

A pentegon has how many line segmants?

A pentagon has five line segments.

Is a pentagon perpendicular?

No, a pentagon is not perpendicular. The word perpendicular describes two lines (or line segments) that meet at a 90o angle.

How many line segments does a rectangle have?

A recangle has 4 line segments. (Each side is a line segment).