Divisors. Primes are divisible by themselves, and one. Composite numbers also have other divisors.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Composite numbers are integers that have more than two factors.
Prime numbers have two factors; composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers have two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.
Composite numbers have more than two factors.
Composite numbers have more than two factors.
Composite numbers are numbers that have more than two factors.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers have two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.
All composite numbers have more than two factors.
Composite numbers are the numbers that have more than two factors.
Composite numbers are integers that have more than two factors.
Prime numbers have two factors; composite numbers have more than two.
Numbers with more than two factors are composite.
Composite numbers have more than two factors whereas prime numbers have only two factors.