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if (condition)


else (condition)


while (condition)


for (initializer; condition; increment)

Well, none of those is operator... it's exp1?exp2: exp3

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Q: Conditional operators in c plus plus?
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What are special operators in c plus plus?

The only "special" operators in C++ are those that cannot be overloaded. That is; the dot member operator (.), pointer to member operator (.*), ternary conditional operator (:?), scope resolution operator (::), sizeof() and typeof().

Printf and scanf Operators in C and C plus plus?

No, they are functions. Operators are -> or ++or /=

What are the different types of operations of c?

c have different types of operations are there these are 1:logical operators 2:conditional 3:arithmetic 4:bit wise operators 5:increment&decrement 6:relational operators 7:assignment operators 8:special operators we can use above operators. we can implementing the operations. suppose logical operators &&,,! by using these we can implement operations

C plus plus bit-wise operators?

Are very useful. Examples: & | ^ ~

Which operator not overloaded in c plus plus?

The if statementex.if (index < 5)printf("Index is less than 5\n");elseprintf("index is greater or equal to 5\n");(You can also replace the "if" with a "?" and the "else" with a "?" -- no, that would be syntax error)

Why is c plus plus language more portable than c language?

They are equally portable. Conditional compilation is supported by both languages.

What are the storage allocation in C plus plus?

They mostly deal with pointers and new operators in memory.

What is used to test value of character or integer in c plus plus?

Use the comparison operators (==, &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;=). All primitives (including char and int) support these built-in operators.

Compare java arithmetic and logic operators with c arithmetic and logical operators?

They are very similar,but when we do logic operators there are still some differences.In c or c plus plus ,logic true can be expressed as'true' or '0',but in java,true is just 'true'.If you gave a zero,it will treat it as type of integer ,and so as false.

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded in c plus plus and java?

conditional operator , size of operator , membership operator and scope resulation operator can not be overload in c++

How many operators are there in C Language?

There are several operators in the C programming language, which are used to perform various operations on variables and values. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used operators in C: Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus) Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &amp;=, |=, ^=, = Comparison operators: ==, !=, , = (equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to) Logical operators: &amp;&amp; (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT) Bitwise operators: &amp;, |, ^ (AND, OR, XOR) Increment and decrement operators: ++ (increment), -- (decrement) Conditional operator: ?: (ternary operator) It's important to note that there may be some additional operators depending on the specific C compiler or implementation being used.

What are conditional operators in C language?

The conditional operator in C (and C++, C# and other languages) consists of two symbols, '?' and ':'. Together, they can be used to form an expression from three subexpressions:e1 ? e2 : e3The conditional operator is evaluated in two steps; first, the expression e1 is evaluated, if it has a true value, then e2 is evaluated and its value is returned as the result of the entire expression, otherwise (if e1 is false) e3 is evaluated and its value is returned as the result of the entire expression.