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Q: Congruent polygons must have all corresponding side lengths equal?
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Can a congruent polygon have unequal corresponding side lengths?

No, the definition of congruent polygons is that all corresponding SIDES are of equal length. All corresponding angles as well.

The corresponding sides of two similar regular polygons must have equal lenghts?

Yes, the corresponding sides of two similar regular polygons must have equal lengths. This is because both the polygons are similar, which means that since they are also polygons, they must have equal lengths.

How do you write out a similarity statement with polygons?

Two polygons are similar if:the ratio of the lengths of their corresponding sides is the same, andtheir corresponding angles are equal.

Triangles are congruent if they have the same what?

Triangles are congruent if they have the same size and shape, meaning their corresponding sides and angles are equal.

What are the different of congruent triangle and similar triangle?

The corresponding angles in both cases are the same. With congruent triangles, the lengths of the corresponding sides are also equal.

If a Polygon has odd number of angles angles cannot be congruent?

All regular polygons have equal lengths and equal interior angles but irregular polygons have variations in sizes.

What determines if two polygons are congruent?

similar polygons may not be congruent (different sizes) congruent polygons are always similar (equal in every geometric respect - including

What polygons always have congruent diagonals?

Regular polygons. A square and rectangle will have congruent (equal length) diagonals.

What are the two properties of congruent triangles?

All the corresponding sides in congruent triangles are equal All the corresponding angles in congruent triangles are equal

What does CPCTE stand for in geometry?

Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent, perhaps some people use equal instead of congruent?

Are congruent triangles similar?

Yes, similar triangles are congruent because in order to be congruent they must first be equal. Which in turn is the definition of a similar triangle. A triangle equal in angle measurements and/or side lengths. So, yes.

What are congruent triangle?

Two triangles are congruent if their corresponding sides are equal in length, and their corresponding angles are equal in measure.