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The diagonals will cross each other half way at right angles.

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Q: Construct a rhombus whose diagonal are 6.2 cm and 5.4 cm?
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What is the perimeter of a rhobus when one of its diagonals is 12 cm and has an area of 54 square cm showing work?

Let the other diagonal be x:- If: 0.5*x*12 = 54 Then: x = 54/6 => 9 The rhombus will consist of 4 right angles: base 4.5 cm and height 6 cm Using Pythagoras: hypotenuses = 7.5 cm Therefore perimeter: 4*7.5 = 30 cm

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24 and 30 24 + 30 = 54 and 30 - 24 = 6

How many diagonals in 18-gon?

Using the diagonal formula: 0.5*(182-54) = 135 diagonals

If the larger angle of a rhombus is 126 degrees what is the measure of the smaller angle?

180 - 126 = 54 degrees.

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Let the diagonals be x and y:- If: x+y = 21 then y = 21-x If: 0.5xy = 54 then 0.5x(21-x) = 54 => 21x -x squared -108 = 0 Solving the above quadratic equation: x = 12 or x = 9 The rhombus will then consist of 4 right angle triangles with base 4.5 and height 6 Using Pythagoras' theorem their hypotenuses are 7.5 cm Perimeter: 4*7.5 = 30 cm

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9 and 6

What are the 2 smallest numbers whose GCF is 9 and whose LCM is 54?

18 and 9 * * * * * Not so. LCM(9, 18) = 18, not 54. The correct answer is 18, 27.

What is the area of rhombus DEFG if DF equals 12 and EG equals 9?

54 square units. BY:ANTONIO WOODSON