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Q: Convenience sampling technique with an added strategy to ensure the inclusion of subjects are likely to be underrepresented?
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Is questionnaire probability sampling technique?

A questionnaire has little to do with sampling technique. Sampling technique is to do with who gets the questionnaire and that can be any sampling technique: the questionnaire can be sent to everyone (census), to a random sample, stratified random samples, to random samples in clusters, by quota or convenience. Or a pile of questionnaires can be left for respondents to pick up - self-selection.

Is convenience sampling method not a random sampling?

You are correct; convenience sampling is not random sampling.

What is differences between convenience and incidental sampling?

The difference between convenience and incidental sampling is that convenience sampling chooses the easiest people to reach when a sampling is done, whereas incidental sampling is done at random.

How do you xxplain any two factors that affect the choice of a sampling technique?

Two factors that affect the choice of a sampling technique are the population size and the level of accuracy required. For large populations, it may be more practical to use a random sampling technique, while for small populations, a convenience sampling technique may be sufficient. Additionally, if high accuracy is required, a stratified sampling technique may be more appropriate to ensure representation of all subgroups within the population.

What is common sampling technique in communication system?

Random Sampling is the most common sampling technique

What type of sampling (sample strategy) is it when I am sampling employees from different organizations?

Convenience sampling or quota sampling

Which sampling technique is appropriate for voting behaviour of people?

stratified sampling technique

Are volunteer sampling and self sampling forms of convenience sampling?

No. Convenience sampling involves the active participation of the researcher. It's called convenience sampling because the researcher simply grabs whomever happens to be close to hand. It's not whether people volunteer themselves. Please see the link.

Non -probability sample techniques?

Convenience sampling or quota sampling.

Mention different types of sampling in statistics.?

Simple Random Sample Stratified Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Systematic Sampling Convenience Sampling

Kinds of non random sampling technique?

Quota sampling.

What is consecutive sampling?

Consecutive sampling is very similar to convenience sampling except that it seeks to include ALL accessible subjects as part of the sample. This non-probability sampling technique can be considered as the best of all non-probability samples because it includes all subjects that are available that makes the sample a better representation of the entire population.