

Convert 01011101101 to bcd

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Convert 01011101101 to bcd
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Multiply by 16. ANSWER: The answer is bcd 11 = 3 111 = 7 1111 i= F 01111 =E and so foirth

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All possible 2-bit numbers ... 0, 1, 2, and 3 ... are the same in BCD and binary. No conversion is required.

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How do you generate BCD output?

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) output can be generated using decimal-to-BCD conversion algorithms. One common method involves dividing the decimal number by 10 and storing the remainder as the Binary Coded Decimal digit. This process is repeated until all decimal digits are converted into BCD form. Alternatively, some microcontrollers have built-in instructions to directly convert decimal numbers to BCD format.

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the first time write the binary coded decimal as input write its truth tablle to nine and after nine put the all position dont care to number fifteen same is also for excess three write its truth table to 9 and from 9 to 15 dont care then simplifiy each output coloumn by K_MAp to find out th circiut

What does BCD in BCD Travel stand for?

The name BCD doesn't stand for anything according to Bernd Rittinger, BCD Travel Director of Operations.