It is 167/1.
-0.167 in fraction is -167/1000
To express 1.67 as a fraction, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. Since 1.67 has two decimal places, we can write it as 167/100. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1. This simplifies to the fraction 167/100.
1.67% = .0167 = 167/10,000
It is 167/1.
It is 167/1.
-0.167 in fraction is -167/1000
167% as a fraction is 1 67/100. It is in simplest terms.
If you mean as an improper fraction then it is 167/100
To express 1.67 as a fraction, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. Since 1.67 has two decimal places, we can write it as 167/100. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1. This simplifies to the fraction 167/100.
167 cm = 5' 5.7"