Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 8/100 is equal to 2/25 or two twenty-fifths.
Convert 8 5/9 fraction to percent
2/25 = 8/100 = 8%
Divide the percent by 100 and then simplify the resulting fraction.
To convert a percentage to a fraction put it over 100: 32 % = 32/100 = 8/25
8 to 100 in a decimal fraction and percent = 8/100; 8% 8 to 100 = 8/100 in a decimal fraction 8/100 * 100% = 8% in percent
Convert 8 5/9 fraction to percent
7/8, x100 is 87.5%
2/25 = 8/100 = 8%
20% of 40 = 0.2*40 = 8 = 8/1 in fraction form, though why anyone would want to convert 8 to fraction form is beyond me!
Divide the percent by 100 and then simplify the resulting fraction.
To convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100.So for 240% becomes 240/100Then simplify the fraction, giving you:12/5
12.5 x 8 = 100 To convert a fraction to percent, divide the top of the fraction by the bottom and multiple by 100: 1 / 8 = .125 and .125 * 100 = 12.5 so the answer is 12.5 percent.
To convert a percentage to a fraction put it over 100: 32 % = 32/100 = 8/25
12.5% = 0.125 = 125/1000 = 1/8 in its lowest terms
62.5% = 5/8
To convert a fraction (or decimal) to a percentage, multiply by 100: 3/8 = 3/8 x 100 % = 371/2% (as a fraction) or 37.5% (in decimal form)