111100002 equals 24010 using unsigned notation. It equals -1610 using signed notation.
11001100 in binary is 204 in decimal notation.
The binary number 11.1 in decimal would be 3.5
11.25 is not a valid binary.
111100002 equals 24010 using unsigned notation. It equals -1610 using signed notation.
11001100 in binary is 204 in decimal notation.
Binary 110111 is equivalent to decimal 55.
4F7B: Binary = 100111101111011 Decimal = 20347
The binary number 11.1 in decimal would be 3.5
Convert 189 to binary number
000010 in binary is 2 in decimal.
11.25 is not a valid binary.
The binary equivalent of the decimal number 63 is 111111.
This has a very simples solution. You have to treat the integer part separately from the decimal part. Therefore, you simply convert the integer part (10) to binary, which becomes 1010. Let's work with the decimal part of the number (0.5): We get the decimal part and multiply it by our number system base, which is 2, the amount of times correspondent to our desire of decimal places for the number. 0.5 x 2 = 1.0 Since we only want one decimal place, we stop right now. We obtained the number 1.0, which is the same as 1, the number for the decimal binary. 10.5 = 1010.1 in binary. In byte representation: 1010.1000