A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction.If the numerator is 50 and the denominator is 250,The mixed will be 1/5.
3.3 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 33/10
2.45 = 2 and 45/100 = 2 and 9/20 in its lowest terms
12.48 as a fraction in lowest terms is 312/25 (or 1212/25 as a mixed number).
It is: 0.09 = 9/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms and it can't be expressed as a mixed number because it's less than 1
It is: 0.87 = 87/100 as a fraction in its lowest terms
7.075 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 73/40
16.82 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 1641/50
3.3 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 33/10
3.3 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 33/10
1.05 as a mixed number in lowest terms = 11/20
It is: 5 and 68/100 or as 5 and 17/25 in its lowest terms
2.45 = 2 and 45/100 = 2 and 9/20 in its lowest terms
how do you rewrite 24.5 as a mixed number in the lowest terms
81.6 as a mixed number in lowest terms is 813/5
12.48 as a fraction in lowest terms is 312/25 (or 1212/25 as a mixed number).
23.04 written as a mixed number (in lowest terms) is: 231/25