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Quantity English Units Equals SI Units

force lb = 4.4482 N

mass Slug = 14.5938 kg

length ft = 0.3048m

Not really a good specified question but here are some of the more common basic English units converted to si units

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Q: Converting si units to English units?
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State SI and English units of mass?

SI unit of mass is kilogram (kg), and the English unit of mass is pound (lb).

What are the general mathematical operations you use when converting one si unit to another?

All SI units are powers of 10. Multiplying by 10 will convert units.

Why are si units so often in science?

SI units are more accurate than English system units

What are SI Units and what does the SI stand for?

si units are based on the metric system system international (French) international system (English)

What is the english si unit for force?

"English" and "SI" are two completely different major systems of units. -- The SI unit of force is the Newton. -- English units of force include the poundforce, ounce, stone, and ton.

How can if different units are used in measurement problems be overcome by using SI unit?

If you have different units, converting to any common unit will help. Of course, using standard units, i.e. SI units, is better than any other arbitrary unit. Also, SI units for a consistent set of units; as a result, you can often omit proportionality factors from formulae.

What are the two system of the unit?

# English or traditional units # Metric units (International system or "SI")

What does si units stand for?

SI is an abbreviation of the French "le Système International d'unités"which when translated in to English means "The International System of Units".

What is SI based on inches power of five English units powers of ten?

SI uses powers of 10.

Which unit is an si base unit?

There are seven SI Base Units. These are:metre -distancekilogram -masssecond -timeampere -electric currentkelvin -thermodynamic temperaturecandela -luminous intensitymole -amount of substanceAll other SI units are called Derived Units.Read more: at the related link

What problems could occur if some scientists measured objects by using SI units and other scientists measured objects by using other units?

No problems provided they state which units. Most scientists are capable of converting between units.

What are the different units of measure in the SI system?

SI (French abbreviation for "International System") is, in English, the metric system. So the standard measure in SI is the meter.