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Q: Could most people from A.D. 500-1000 read?
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Why were Latin bibles changed to English?

So that English speaking people could read and understand them

What language did the protestant not want the bible written in?

Latin. It's not that they didn't like it in Latin, they just wanted it in German because then ordinary people would be able to read it. Latin was only spoken and read by the educated (The Catholic Church) or the very rich. All Bibles were written in Latin because the priests and monks would read it to the people at Mass. Martin Luther (Protestant leader) didn't like this because the priests could say ridiculous things, say it came from the Bible, and people wouldn't know better. Using the recent invention of the printing press, he published Bibles in German and his most famous work, 95 Thesis. Since he could easily spread his word with mass produced letters, he told everyone that the Pope was misleading people.

Can people learn how to read bar codes?

Yes, people can learn how to read barcodes. Barcodes contain coded information that can be deciphered using a barcode scanner or app, which translates the pattern of bars and spaces into readable text or numerical data. With some guidance and practice, anyone can learn how to recognize and interpret different types of barcodes.

Is there any proof that Christianity is true?

No. There is absolutely no proof Christianity is true. You can check the geology records, the fossil records, and the history books; there is absolutely no proof. Most people try to refute this claim by saying read the bible. But, it turns out that only 1 in 10 Christains actually have read the bible. And still, they believe reading the bible will automatically turn people into Christains. When actually, a good portion of the people who have read it turn AWAY from Christianity.

Why was the bible translated to English?

The Bible was translated into English so that people who do not speak the original documents' languages could read it. It was originally translated into English in the 1380s, by John Wycliffe.

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Why were there few to teach during the middle ages?

it was either most people were to poor to buy them. most people didn't have the time to read. most people could not read. there wasn't enough ink and paper.

What percent of people in Bangladesh could read and write?

Total 81.59% people can read and write. Most of them are female.

What could people do when Bibles were printed in the vernacular?

When Bibles were printed in the vernacular, the first and most important thing that people could do was to read the Bible for themselves. This lead to some people beginning to question and even doubt what they read in the Bible. In the end, people could think for themselves.

Where the Scribes the only people in could read in Egypatian life?

The scries could read and write, but rich people could learn to read a write aswell.

What was Tudor times like?

Most people were poor and hardly any people except posh/rich civilians could read

When Colonists who could read were most likely to read?

the bible

What was the most popular job in Ancient Greece?

most of people were farmers because not many of the ancient Chinese could read or write

Why did people start using family crests?

Crests and similar symbols were means of identifying important people at a time when most people could not read or write.

Colonist who could read were most likely to read?

Colonists who could read were most likely to read the Bible. This is because so many of the colonists were religious.

What do most people do with manuals?

Most people will read their manual for the information they need. They next would file it away in their file cabinet so they could refer to it for help when needed.

Could people in Elizabthen times read?

No they could not raed

What happened to you if you had dyslexia in 1500's?

Nothing. Most people could neither read or write so it would not be apparent.