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Q: Could not set comm state there may be one or more invalid communications parameters?
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In c plus plus what is meant by stack?

The stack is a region of memory organized as a first-in-last-out (LIFO) structure which stores return information, parameters, and local variables. Since it is a LIFO structure, it is nested, i.e. "stacked", similar to how a stack of papers on your desk would be stacked, and if you could only deal with the top-most paper on the stack. At the language level, C, C++, JAVA, etc., you generally do not even think about the implementation of the stack - it is just there - and it does what it needs in terms of return state, registers, parameters, and automatic or temporary variables.

A territory could join the union add a state once it had a population of how many inhabitants?

A territory could join the union as a state once its population surpassed sixty thousand. The Michigan territory entered into the union on January twenty six, eighteen thirty seven.

Positive logic in a logic circuit is one in which?

In Positive logic, we all assume that the more positive (binary) voltage state is One, the less positive voltage state is Zero.Both voltage states could be positive, both could be negative, or they could be opposite polarities.

Does t-distribution rely on degree of freedom?

Yes. The parameters of the t distribution are mean, variance and the degree of freedom. The degree of freedom is equal to n-1, where n is the sample size. As a rule of thumb, above a sample size of 100, the degrees of freedom will be insignificant and can be ignored, by using the normal distribution. Some textbooks state that above 30, the degrees of freedom can be ignored.

How many miles is it to France in km?

From what starting point? You didn't state one so it could 1 and a half km to 3500 km or more.

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What kind of flip flop has no invalid or unused state?

None, all flip flops have a small probability of entering a metastable invalid state.

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Penn State College of Communications was created in 1985.

Name the 2 parameters which determine the physical state matter?

The two parameters that determine the physical state of matter are temperature and pressure. These parameters influence the arrangement and movement of molecules, affecting whether the matter is in solid, liquid, or gas form.

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driving while license invalid

Can I report an invalid contractor license to the BBB?

You can, but this generally won't get you redress. You need to report invalid licenses to your state licensing board.

What happens when your husband gets married in Vegas and is still married to you?

If your husband gets married to someone else while he is still married to you the second marriage is invalid and he could be prosecuted.If your husband gets married to someone else while he is still married to you the second marriage is invalid and he could be prosecuted.If your husband gets married to someone else while he is still married to you the second marriage is invalid and he could be prosecuted.If your husband gets married to someone else while he is still married to you the second marriage is invalid and he could be prosecuted.

What happens if you have a driver license in the state of New York then move to the state of California and get a license there does the New York one becomes invalid?

Yes, but you could probably sell the license plate to illegal immigrants for cash.

What principle states that a state government can declare a federal law invalid within the state's borders?


Where is New England School of Communications located?

New England School of Communications is located in the state of Maine.

When a state calls a federal law invalid?

State law can be more detailed than federal law, but cannot conflict with federal law. Therefore, a state law cannot determine that a federal law is invalid. The state would have to, instead challenge the federal law as an unconstitutional intrusion on state rights.

What doctrine maintains that state laws that interfere with federal laws are invalid pursuant to the?


Who is responsible for interprovincial trade and communications in Canada?

The Federal State.