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The basic unit for area which is used everywhere in the world except for the US, Liberia, Burma and some Caribbean islands is 1 square metre. This is the area occupied by a square whose sides are of length one metre. The basic unit in the US is the square foot.

1 square metre = 10.764 square feet approx.

The exact conversion is 1 sq ft = 0.092 903 04 sq metres.

For volume the units are a cubic metre and a cubic foot.

1 cubic metre = 35.315 cubic feet, approx.

The exact conversion is 1 cu ft = 0.028 316 846 592 cu metres.

An alternative metric measure for volume is a litre = a thousandth of a cubic metre.


1 litre = 0.035315 cubic feet, approx.

The exact conversion is 1 cu ft = 28.316 846 592 litres.

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Q: Could you explain the basic math measurements and their British and US conversions for area and volume?
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