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Q: Could you have two operations done at same time?
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If you are a good multi-tasker then you could be able to make two garnishes at the same time.

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The same amount of work is done in less time.

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I am not sure if bbm and cima can be done at same time period in UK.

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The term "synchronization", when discussing Java programming, refers to the mechanism which allows only one thread to access a block of code at a time. The advantage with synchronization is that it prevents data corruption but it also increases the total execution time of a program.

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If twice the work is done in the same amount of time, then power is doubled. This is because power is defined as the rate at which work is done, so if the amount of work done doubles while the time taken remains the same, the power output will also double.

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You can have a new IUD inserted at the same time the old one is removed.

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Can human chew and swallow at the same time?

Yes, they can I have done it with a bunch of food in my mouth before and it can be done