Not without making it an improper fraction. If you try to simplify it anymore you'll end up with a decimal for the numerator. Ex: If you divide it by 2 you'll get 2.5/3
39/50 is the simplest form of the fraction. There is no number that you can divide both 39 and 50 by to make them smaller and make the fraction simpler.
The fraction is known as a mixed fraction.
3 over 10; the bigger denominator the smaller the fraction.
7 over 15
Since 6 is smaller than 24, there is no improper fraction.
39/50 is the simplest form of the fraction. There is no number that you can divide both 39 and 50 by to make them smaller and make the fraction simpler.
0.6 is smaller.
The fraction is known as a mixed fraction.
3 over 10; the bigger denominator the smaller the fraction.
7 over 15
The smallest improper fraction I could make would be called one plus one over infinity. Technically, the smallest improper fraction is indistinguishable from an integer.
you could make it a fraction like 1 over 1 or 2 over 2
Since 6 is smaller than 10, there is no improper fraction.
Since 6 is smaller than 24, there is no improper fraction.
11/45 is the simplest form, there is no number that both 11 and 45 can be divided by to make them smaller and make the fraction simpler.
No, it is already simplified.