A cubic foot of water weighs aprox. 62.42796 pounds, 28316.847 grams, or 28.316847 kilograms. Here is some additional information from
* Weight: 62.416 pounds per cubic foot at 32°F * Weight: 61.998 pounds per cubic foot at 100°F * Weight: 8.33 pounds/gallon, 0.036 pounds/cubic inch * Weight: 1679.616 pounds/cubic yard, based on 0.036 pounds/cubic inch * Density: 1 gram per cubic centimeter (cc) at 39.2°F, 0.95865 gram per cc at 212°F
Specific weight is the weight of the material per unit volume. Water has the specific weight of 62.43 pounds per cubic foot or 9.807 Newtons per cubic meter.
One cubic foot of water is 7.4805 gallons.
There are 7.48052 US gallons per cubic foot.
One inch of rain over one square foot is 1/12 cubic foot of water. A cubic foot of water weighs about 62.4 pounds. 1/12 of that is about 5.2 pounds.
1 cubic foot.
The weight of a cubic foot (cf) varies depending on the material. For example, a cubic foot of water weighs about 62.4 pounds. However, a cubic foot of air has a negligible weight.
One cubic foot of water weighs about 62.4 pounds.
The weight of water is about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot. This value is commonly used in engineering and construction to calculate the load of water in various structures, such as pipelines, tanks, and dams.
The weight of 1 cubic foot depends on the material. For example, 1 cubic foot of water weighs approximately 62.4 pounds.
1 cubic foot of air will support 62 lbs
Specific weight is the weight of the material per unit volume. Water has the specific weight of 62.43 pounds per cubic foot or 9.807 Newtons per cubic meter.
The weight of a cubic foot of rock can vary depending on the type of rock. On average, the weight of a cubic foot of rock is approximately 150-170 pounds.
The weight of one square foot of water is zero pounds. A square foot is a measurement of area, not volume. Since a square foot has no height, it is not possible to fit even a single hydrogen atom inside a square foot. The weight of a cubic foot of water (a cube with each side equal to one foot) is about 62.42 pounds. The reason that I saw "about" is because the density of water changes according to its temperature, so that a cubic foot of water at 32 degrees Fahrenheit will weigh 62.42 pounds, but at 212 degrees Fahrenheit a cubic foot of water weighs 59.83 pounds.
One cubic foot of water is 7.4805 gallons.
A square yard is a measurement in 2 dimensions, length and width. Since there is no depth measurement in a square yard, therefore, a square yard of water has no weight. However, "...a cubic yard is 27 cubic feet, and a cubic foot of water weighs about 62.4 pounds, so 62.4 x 27 gives you...about 1685 pounds." (http://saluqi.home.netcom.com/ticklinx1.htm)
There are 7.48052 US gallons per cubic foot.