Run Scandisk, and pray. Most likely the drive has suffered a catastrophic failure, or it could be something as simple as a power failure while writing to the volume.
A reading error is when you accidently read something wrong :)
the precentage of error in data or an experiment
Take a measurement with nothing in the gauge. That reading is the zero-error.
take reading 4 to 5 times, and take its average this will reduce error
The scale doesn't start at zero, so you need to compromise or you get a systematic error.
error reading
A reading error is when you accidently read something wrong :)
Fat Worm of Error was created in 2003.
The difference between the corrected reading and the mean (average) reading is called 'Absolute error.
Reading information(data) and figuring out its meaning(interpreting).
how data errors occur?
concordant data is a data based on concordant
the precentage of error in data or an experiment
response error.
response error.
in order it was written.