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Q: Data that demonstrates no response to a variable shows what kind of data relationship?
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When an experiment shows that one variable makes another variable change and no other variables have any effect the experiment?


When an experiment shows that one variable make another variable change and no other varibles have any effect the experiment shows?

The experiment shows a direct causal relationship between the two variables, indicating that changes in one variable lead to changes in the other. This demonstrates the impact of the manipulated variable on the outcome, without interference from other variables.

When an experiment shows that one variable makes another variable change and no other variable have any effect the experiment shown?

The experiment demonstrates a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the two variables, with no interference from other variables. This suggests that changes in the dependent variable can be attributed solely to variations in the independent variable.

When an experiment shows that one variable makes another variable change the experiment shows?

that there is a relationship between the two variables. This relationship can be used to predict how changes in one variable will affect the other variable.

What is it called when one variable increases the other variable shows no relationship?

No correlation.

What relationship does a linear graph shows?

A linear graph shows a linear equation in which the value of one variable depends on the value of the other variable.

Does a line graph show changes in the responding variable only?

No. It shows changes in the response variable against changes in the explanatory (or independent) variable(s).

What shows the relationship between the independent and dependent variable?

Cause and effect

When an experiment shows that one variable makes another change and no other variable have any effect the experiment shows?


When an experimental shows that one variable makes another variable change and no variables have any affect the experiment shows?

The experiment shows a causal relationship between the two variables, where changes in one variable directly impact the other without interference from any other variables. This suggests a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the variables being studied.

Which type of graph shoes how one variable changes in response to another?

A scatter plot is a type of graph that shows how one variable changes in response to another. It is used to identify relationships and patterns between two variables.

What is meant by p value?

the p-value is used in statistics. It shows how strong the relationship between the variable are. Normally it is between -1 and 1. The closer it is to one the stronger the relationship is. the p-value is used in statistics. It shows how strong the relationship between the variable are. Normally it is between -1 and 1. The closer it is to one the stronger the relationship is.