The Stevens Model 325-C Rifle was manufactured between 1947 and 1950 in Caliber 30-30.
The actual date is not known , but the early christians put December 25th as, the pagans celebrated it as Saturns birthday.
They usually refer to things such as the date of manufacture, the make and model and the individual watch.
You really could give a bit more information. That patent date just happens to be one I recognized as being used by J. Stevens on the model 311 and some other double barrel shotguns. If it is in useable condition (need to have an experienced gunsmith check it out if you have even the slightest doubt) a double barrel is worth $100-$250, depending on exact condition.
The exact date is not clear but it is probably when early stone-age people decided to chip away at flints to make sharp knives or arrowheads for hunting.
I think it means circa, meaning around or approximately that date. It is used a lot in the early years when exact dates are not known.
Stevens model 82 by the J Stevens arms co. made between 1935-1939.
Stevens 940 shotguns have a letter after model number is a way to date this gun?
If the weapon is Westfield model its manufacture date would be between 1949-1968. The value of the Stevens 9400 is between $900-$1200.
Your Stevens model 240 was made from 1940-1945.
They were produced from 1940-1945.
July 10, 1902 Patent application was filed on a pump action shotgun that would become the Stevens Model 520.
The Stevens Model 59 was made in several variations in the period 1934 -1973. There are no records to give a more exact date. If it lacks a serial number is was made prior to 1968.
It is difficult to date these accurately. That model appeared in Stevens 1912 catalog, but I am not sure when it was discontinued. Best guess would be no later than the early 1930's when Stevens was absorbed by Savage Arms. I do know the Patent date for this shot gun was march 19-1907 i own one anymore info will be added later I'm going to have to write Mr. Fjestad a nasty letter. There are two entries in the Blue Book's Savage/Stevens production dates for model 335 and none for the 355. My best guess is that the 1912-1931 entry should be for the 355.
AFAIK, that piece of data is not published.
Most of all Stevens shot guns give the date on the top of the barrel , mine says it right where it breaks. April 12,1913.
The Stevens Model 125, a 22 caliber Bolt-Action, Single-Shot rifle was manufactured between the years of 1898 and 1912 in Westfield, Massachusetts by The Stevens Arms Co.If you Have a Stevens Model 125 with Savage also on the barrel than you have a gun manufactured by The Savage Arms Co. and it would have been made after 1920 when Savage Arms purchased Stevens Arms.I have a Stevens Savage 22 bolt action single shot 22 rifle model 125 and have yet to find the date of manufacture for it. wwworth