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A fun way is calculate pi is by throwing frozen Hot Dogs (or other long and skinny object). Search "throwing frozen hot dogs" on Google and check out the article on WikiHow.

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Q: Deduction of value of pi using activity?
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Who worked out a value for pi using a ninety-six sided regular polygon?

Euclid discovered pi

What value is closest to the area of a circle with a 3-inch raduis explain?

There can be no "closest" value. The area is pi*r^2 Using pi = 3.14 gives the area as 28.26 sq inch Using pi = 3.14159265358979 (Excel default), gives the area as 28.2743338823081 sq inches which will be closer to the true area. The value of pi has been calculated to over 10 trillion digits and each additional digit in the value of pi gives a value for the area which is closer to the true value. . And, the value of pi can be calculated to still greater accuracy which would give a closer answer.

What is the value of pi using seven numbers to the right of the decimal?


How do you derive the pi value using integral?

For example, by calculating the surface of a circle, using an integral.

Could you find the circumference of a circle using the exact value for pi?

Yes, you could if you knew the exact value for pi as well as the diameter of the circle. Multiply the diameter by the exact value for pi to get the circumference. However, it is impossible because the exact value for pi is not known. It is only known to about a trillion decimal places, but the exact value is not known.

Can you find the circumference of a circle using the exact value for pi?

No, because pi has no exact value, it is neverending. You can get close by using 3.14, but never will you get it exactly right. Up to date, about 4 trillion digits have been calculated.

What is the value of pi by 2?

The value of Pi is 3.14 so the value of Pi by 2 is 6.28.

How is pi 3.14 found?

The numerical value of pi is often found using a Taylor or Maclaurin series (Taylor series centered at 0).

What is the appromiximate value of pi?

The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265.

What is th value of pi?

The value of pi (Ï€) is3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751.........

Value of pi for?

The value for Pi for math is 3.14. Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet.

How you will get pi value?

You get the value of pi by dividing the circumference with the diameter of a circle. pi = c/d