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Q: Deductive reasoning is finding what may be true True or false?
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What type or thinking that involves evaluating evidence can separate true science from false science?

indeductive reasoning

When you start from a given set of rules and conditions to determine what must be true what form of reasoning are you using?

deductive reasoning

What kind of reasoning proceeds from premises that are known to be true and is then used to arrive at a conclusion that is also known to be true?

Deductive reasoning proceeds from known true premises to a logically necessary true conclusion. This type of reasoning guarantees the truth of the conclusion if the premises are true.

Why is deductive reasoning stronger that inductive reasoning?

Deductive reasoning is considered stronger because it involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles or premises that are assumed to be true. In deductive reasoning, if the premises are true and the logic is valid, then the conclusion must also be true. In contrast, inductive reasoning involves drawing general conclusions from specific observations, which makes it more prone to errors and uncertainties.

When you start from a given set of rules and conditions and determine what must be true you are using what type of reasoning?

You are using deductive reasoning, where you derive specific conclusions based on general principles or premises. This form of reasoning moves from the general to the specific, providing certainty in the conclusions drawn.

When you start from a given set of rules and conditions to determine what must be true what form of reasoning are you using reasoning?

deductive reasoning

What are deductive arguments based on?

Deductive arguments are based on logical reasoning, where the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. In a deductive argument, if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. This form of reasoning aims to demonstrate the validity of the conclusion through the structure of the argument.

What does Deductive reasoning use?

Deductive reasoning uses logical principles to derive a specific conclusion from general premises. It involves moving from a pattern that is always true to a specific conclusion that must be true if the premises are true. This type of reasoning is often associated with mathematical and scientific methods of inquiry.

Is deductive reasoning more important than inductive reasoning?

Both are equally important. Inductive reasoning is when one makes a conclusion based on patterns; deductive reasoning is based on a hypothesis already believed to be true. However, deductive reasoning does give a more "solid" conclusion because as long as the hypothesis is true, the conclusion will most likely to be true. An example is saying that all dogs are big; Harry is a dog, so it must be big. Since the hypothesis all dogs are big is false, Harry may not necessarily be big. If I change my hypothesis to be all dogs are mammals, thus concluding that Harry is a mammal since it is a dog, I would be correct, for I changed my hypothesis to a true fact. Using inductive reasoning, on the other hand, may result in a false conclusion. For example, since I am a human and I have brown hair, one could use inductive reasoning to say all humans have brown hair, which would be false. So, to sum it up, both inductive and deductive reasoning are important, but deductive reasoning is usually more reliable since as long as the hypothesis one's conclusion is based on is true, the conclusion itself will usually be true.

Importance of boolean algebra?

Boolean algebra is the process of evaluating statements to be either true or false. It is extremely important for inductive and deductive reasoning as well as for all forms of science.

When you start from a given set rules conditions and determine what must be true you are using reasoning?
